The comfortable and soft external female

Urine Catheter that does not use suction or glue

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The UriCap Female is carefully designed for women and effortlessly adjusts to the contours of a woman's anatomy, creating a secure seal, collects all the urine and shields the urethra from contaminants in the area.

Changing the way we think about incontinence

At home and in managed health care, simply Improving life

Easy to use
  • No Suction. Eliminates the risks involved with suction
  • Connects to a standard urine bag for easy urine output monitoring
  • Easy to apply and change
  • Fits uniquely around female anatomy, protecting against fecal contamination
  • Eases patient care workloads with a single 24-hour change
  • Used for obtaining a clean catch urine specimen

Safe & effective
  • Reduces indwelling catheter use, Catheter/day rates and invasive urine collection sampling
  • Improve nursing resources for management

What is the UriCap Female?

UriCap Female is an Innovative and Safe solution for urine incontinence management in women, the preferred alternative to invasive urine catheters, wet adult briefs, and suction-based devices.

The UriCap Female
  • Is made of soft medical grade silicone, connects to a standard urine bag, and relies on natural adhesion and gravity.
  • Forms a natural seal surrounding the urethral opening preventing leakage and protecting against fecal contamination.
  • Does not require any use of external suction or glue.
  • Is disposable (single-use), affordable, and comfortable with up to 24-hour use.

Learn how to use the UriCap Female

TillaCare has put together several helpful training tools for you to learn how to use the UriCap as easy as possible. Please start with our short application instructions video below. Learn more from the many informative documents available for downloading.

Uricap with urine bag

How does the UriCap Female work

No force, No suction, No adhesive, Non-invasive

The UriCap Female stays in place naturally by relying on three factors:

Natural Adhesion

Natural Adhesion

A natural adhesion is formed by the continuous surface-to-surface contact between the surface under the UriCap device and the skin surrounding the urethra. The adhesion allows for sideways motion without friction, all minimizing leakage, discomfort and risks for wounds.

Holding Force

Holding Force

The inner and outer labial folds enclosing the area contribute to keeping the surfaces close together and in place.

Enhance Adhesion Over Time

Enhance Adhision Over Time

Small or larger voids aid in enhancing the natural adhesion forces of the seal as they bring the surfaces closer together. This occurs gradually following application of the UriCap.

Why use the UriCap Female

The UriCap Female’s unique advantages benefits all levels in the health-care system

Physicians stand

For Nurses and Hospitals

Safe alternative to catheterization

Ideal for obtaining a clean catch urine specimen

Supports non-invasive monitoring of urine output

No suction needed, no sterile procedure needed

Prevention of dermatitis

No sterile procedure required, quick and easy to apply and remove

Reduces demand of heavy lifting

15X ROI after reduction of 300 catheters

Decreases waste and need for storage and shelf space


For Society as a whole

Solution to facilitate care at home for patients with moderate to severe urinary incontinence

Facilitates continuum of care due to Medicare reimbursement and lower cost compared to suction based devices

Reduced usage of antibiotics

A more environmentally sustainable solution

Improved health and dignity for women

Sleeping in bad

For Patients and Caregivers

Avoids unnecessary catheterization

Facilitates care at home

Lets you and your caregivers sleep through the night while staying dry

No offensive odor, leading to less social isolation

Covered by Medicare in the US

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Changing the approach to Urinary Incontinence Care

Transitioning to better UI Management and Care



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Our Support Team - We are with you every step of the way

We understand how new technologies, like the UriCap Female, require a shift in thinking and practice. Successful optimization of all UriCap Female benefits and advantages can only be realized through true collaboration and support.

We take great pride in the tools and training material we have developed specifically to simplify changes for you, support adoption, transition and implementation.

We and our partners are here to support you along the way.

What Our Users Say About Us

Patient Testimonials

"The UriCap did all that it claimed, easy to apply, no leaking and much more comfortable than any other system I have tried. Thank you TillaCare!"

What Our Users Say About Us

Patient Testimonials

“My wife’s caregiver is so thankful that we tried the UriCap, with only needing to replace once a day, it has made everyone’s life easier and more pleasant.”

What Our Users Say About Us

Patient Testimonials

“The UriCap has been lifechanging for us. I have finally stopped suffering from ongoing infections and both my husband and I are sleeping much better at night.”

What Our Users Say About Us

Patient Testimonials

“Watching my mother suffer from catheter changes and catheter infections has been horrible. This has all ended, the UriCap is a simple and non-invasive solution, no more unnecessary suffering and pain.”

What Our Users Say About Us

Patient Testimonials

“A real cost savings for us, using the UriCap for 24 hour care is more affordable and easier to manage than diapers and pads.”